South West Hertfordshire 2050 - Realising our Potential
Consultation on the South West Hertfordshire 2050 - ‘Realising our Potential’ closed at 5pm on 4th November 2022. The document set out a draft vision and objectives for South West Herts to 2050. You can still view our document in full via the link below:
South West Herts Realising our Potential (6.14mb) (pdf)
Additional background information
In support of the ‘Realising our Potential’ document, we prepared a series of Topic Papers. These are intended to elaborate and further explain the issues covered in the consultation document and are set out on a thematic basis. These Topic Papers and other background documents that may be of interest to you are available here.
What happens next?
We will look at all of the comments received, and summarise them into a consultation report. This will be published on this website once available. All of the comments received will help us to plan for the future of South West Hertfordshire.
Read the Realising Our Potential document online
You can also review the chapters of the document online by selecting the options on this page. The Foreword of the document is below, and other chapters can be read online via the links provided.
Realising Our Potential - Foreword
As Leaders of the six authorities that make up South West Hertfordshire, we are pleased to introduce a vision for the future of our area and to seek your feedback.
This consultation marks the first exciting step in a new approach to long term planning in South West Hertfordshire, covering the areas of Dacorum Borough, Hertsmere Borough, St Albans City and District, Three Rivers District and Watford Borough.
The South West Herts Joint Strategic Plan (JSP) will establish a collective ambition and set a blueprint for the future of the area to 2050. Eventually it will need to address big issues like the scale and location of new growth, the infrastructure needed to deliver it and our response to the challenges of climate change. However at this stage it is not about housing or employment numbers, or locations for growth. We don’t yet know where growth should go, but we know we want it to happen as sustainably as possible.
This is your chance to tell us how you think our area can realise its full potential and how we can ensure sustainable growth provides a better future for everyone. In section 5, you will find a draft vision and objectives for our area, which we want your thoughts on. This will then guide future stages of our plan.
We want the preparation of the Joint Strategic Plan to be an open process. This initial document is therefore designed to stimulate debate. We want the plan to be visionary, aspirational and use growth as an opportunity to improve the quality of life for those who currently live, work and play in the area, and those who wish to do so in the future.
When developing our draft vision, we have tried to recognise the many assets and strengths of SW Herts – in terms of our built, natural and human resources. We have also tried to ensure that we make the most of our economic strengths, enhance the quality of our life and reduce and adapt to the impact of climate change.
We want to talk to as many people as possible to ensure that the process of preparing the plan is fully collaborative and inclusive. Only by planning collectively for a sustainable future that benefits all our existing and new residents and businesses can we truly realise our area’s potential together.
We look forward to hearing what you have to say.